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original decision中文是什么意思

用"original decision"造句"original decision"怎么读"original decision" in a sentence


  • 原始决定


  • If the review results in the original decision being changed , an ex - gratia payment may be made to cover the cost of the review
  • But the metro reversed the move to mask the picture , saying " the original decision was n ' t a good one "
    但是地铁部门最终却反过来掩盖了布兰妮的面部,说: “最初的决定不是很好。 ”
  • But the metro reversed 3 the move to mask the picture saying " the original decision was n ' t a good one "
    但是地铁部门最终却反过来掩盖了布兰妮的面部,说: “最初的决定不是很好。 ”
  • An ex - gratia payment will only be made where we are satisfied that the original decision was wrong and a review application was unnecessary
  • On june 27 , local higher court upheld the original decision despite the appeal of the twelve . sun zhigang ' s case also led to the abolishment of the 21 - year - long national administrative rules related to city vagrants
  • Where , after the opinions have been stated or the rectifications have been made , the patent re - examination board still considers the request as not in conformity with the patent law or these rules , it shall make a re - examination decision sustaining the original decision of rejection
  • If , within 30 days from receipt of the written decision , they are unsatisfied with the decision , they may request the original decision making administrative authority to review the decision unless an administrative reconsideration or an administrative lawsuit are provided for pursuant to laws or administrative regulations
  • In this algorithm , the grey correlation degree of condition attributes for decision attribute is used to measure the importance of condition attributes ; on the premise of keeping the stability of original decision table , all break points of every condition attributes are examined and the redundant ones are eliminated according to which the condition attributes are sorted in a descending order , and then the decision table is disretized
  • An dynamic algorithm of attribute reduction is presented . in fact , data are always changing in database , so a dynamic algorithm of attribute reduction based on rough logic is presented , which can get new minimum decision algorithm based on the original one when new object is added . it can avoid reduction from large original decision table , update and vindicate the original algorithm , and improve the efficiency of attribute reduction
    2 .提出了一种增量式属性约简算法针对实际问题中数据库中的数据是不断变化的这一情况,以粗糙逻辑为基础,针对新加入的对象相对于原来的极小决策算法而言是全新的这种情况,提出了一种增量式属性约简算法,从而避免每次从庞大的原始决策表开始约简,实现了对原极小决策算法的更新与维护,提高了属性约简的效率。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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